I'm Trevor Winn

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When your CSS breaks everything

You may be wondering what this websites purpose is, well the answer is quite simple.

The main purpose of this website is to give clients and recruiters a better understanding of my current skill set. The secondary purpose is to give insight into what type of person I am prior to any communication. Have you ever had those moments where the resume didn't match the character in the slightest bit? I'm sure we all have, this website is to prevent that from happening here.

Who am I?

My name is Trevor Alan Winn, I am prior AirForce and soon to be Computer science major with self taught knowledge in C++, C#, Python, Java-script, HTML, CSS. Currently my best language is C++ simply due to it being my first language I learned.

What am I looking for?

I am looking for a career in computer science to compliment my college courses, I don't want to just be good enough, I want to be ahead of my peers and strive further by jumping straight into the fray. I truly believe I have the ability necessary to be a valuable asset to any team.

Programming languages
Current programming languages I am familiar with: (but not limited to)
C++, Python, Javascript, C#. My familiarity is also in that order.
C++ is the language I learned first by watching videos called Absolute Noob Spoonfeed by antirtfm, I watched this when I was around 11 years old and would go back to them and other resources for the course of 7 years. Another resource that helped me greatly was the website Sololearn.
Python I learned by using my abundant C++ knowledge and using the python documentation and w3 schools. w3 schools was very helpful as it has great example code to visually see how things should be done, I am very confident in my python thanks to these resources.
My Javascript is proficient thanks to the coding train on Youtube and thanks to again w3 schools, most of my Javascript understanding is from coding train with w3 schools as a good refresher, the buttons on this website were done using Javascript, cool right!
My C# is iffy simply because I don't use it nearly as often as the others, I only really used C# for unity because making games is quite enjoyable, I have since started using godot hence why my C# is rusty. I used simply used my C++ and documentation to learn C#. It is pretty straightforward to transfer the knowledge over.
Do to learning different languages and debugging to build a understanding of what they are doing beneath the hood I believe I can learn any language in a timely manner and become truly proficient within a small amount of time.
My previous jobs

US Airforce

The US Airforce was actually my first job and my first pick. I wanted to go to the airforce for some simple reasons:
I wanted to follow in my families footsteps. My grandpa and uncles had all go into the military and it is a point of pride for us.
I had a love for programming before the Airforce, so part of the reason for joining the Airforce was to go to college without taking out student loans. I scored well on the asvab so I managed to qualify for a hardware based job which I was going to use to get me jump started on my understanding of computers. Sadly I got hurt and was sent home on medical separation.

Ingles Markets

Ingles was my second job, Starting out at ingles I was put in the gas station where I handled all of the paperwork related to the gas station which included all sales. (Food, Candy, Cigerettes, gas) I also took all calls related to the pumps, from customer service and corporate Ingles, I worked in the gas station for about 9 months. Afterwards I moved inside the store to run the U-scan, customer service related task and office cash handling. I did this for about 4 months. Finally my last job in Ingles was stocking dairy, I decided to transfer to dairy as a promotion, I stayed at dairy for about 1-2 months before I was offered a better job at a Adidas warehouse.

Adidas Warehouse

Adidas was a amazing job that I enjoyed greatly at first but sadly do to my prior injury at the Airforce it started to cause me so much pain that standing after work or even on my days off became impossible. I worked at Adidas for around 2-3 months.
Downloadable Resume

My Resume


My resume may be updated with new information at irregular itervals
